Being Human,  Dark Night of the Soul,  Energy,  Happiness With Nothing,  Philosophy

Cherishing Everything: The Good, the Neutral, the Terrible

As a tiny disclaimer, I only put forth theories and ideas, and do not surmise they are facts. This morning, in the “in between” altered state of consciousness between wake and dream, I had a felt experience of an urgency to cherish every single little thing about this reality. And, not just the supposed good and beautiful, and neutral things, but also the bad, the ugly, the painful, even the terrible.

Of course, we’ve all had moments of inspiration from others or our own experiences that have reminded us to be grateful for each moment – the loss of a loved one, having an illness and then recovering, terminal illness or end of life reflections, spiritual awakenings, reading a particularly impactful book, etc. In this experience though, I was taken into the felt experience of that perspective, actually energetically embodying the field of this reality. A particular and important characteristic of this state of being was that it was distinctly outside of typical modern world reality, where you are “in” what’s happening and “in” your “life.” So, it was not me living my normal life but cherishing everything more and not taking it for granted. Instead, it was like that “life” was off over to one side and I could see and feel into how it felt to be “in” my life. Then, over to the left was a field that I could enter where nothing really mattered in the conventional sense of applying importance to things, not my “life” and all it’s happenings and situations, not anything, but where every single thing was profoundly magical simply because it existed.

I could feel and experience this field and from it, look at the ocean and delight in touching it’s cold water with my fingers, and then just the same, delight in the homeless person’s beauty and perfection as a choice to be here and exist and experience something as profound as this place. It also changed what compassion is to me. Compassion feels now like joy for the ability we have to experience it all.

Then, in the vision or experience, if you will, once I felt that space of being outside of the regular “life” experience of discernment and dealing with empathic abilities actually feeling what others are feeling, I then was shown how to go back into my “life” with this new awareness and perspective. In this way, I could more enjoy everything that before, at times, still felt like a struggle despite all of the growth in my life.

It was profound for me because prior to this, in different ways over the last two years (during the most intense awakening I’ve had heretofore), I received the awareness that nothing matters, and if nothing matters, then everything matters, but this was the first time that I truly felt it for myself in a fully embodied way. After waking, I spent time in meditation to feel into the experience more so as not to lose it, but I think it’s something that has now changed me and will seep more and more into my waking everyday reality.

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