You Have a Magical Power
This magical power is your attention. Have you ever been in a situation where something was bothering you, such as a pain in your body, or an annoying repetitive occurrence? It was very bothersome, and the more you focused on it, the more it wasn’t going away and, often, the more irritating it would become.
But then, perhaps there was a time where you became distracted and forgot about it for a while. Perhaps even for a few days, you gave up worrying about it and focused on other things. Then came a moment where you realized, wow, it’s a lot better or less annoying and wasn’t impacting you as much, or it had even disappeared entirely. Or, it only reappeared when you began focusing on it again!
This is the power of your attention. It makes things shrink and grow, like Alice’s potion and cakes. Think of it as your very own “amplification power” (or “potion,” if you will). This is also part of how certain theories of manifestation and attraction work. You place your attention on feeling good, disregarding or distracting yourself from things that don’t feel good or are unwanted, and in this way you amplify what you do want and draw more like it to you.
Of course, it’s important to note that this is not repression. You cannot stuff down genuine feelings and pretend to feel good and have this still work, because this power works on how you actually feel. It would be like pretending you don’t notice something anymore when it’s actually all you can think about. Or lying to yourself saying you are not feeling hurt when you are holding back tears. It knows the truth. So, sometimes you have to process something before you can get to this stage, so that it is amplification of the good feeling things vs. repression of the bad feeling things.
The good news is, you don’t need to focus on the opposite of what you don’t want (and this is harder to accomplish anyway), you only have to distract yourself and find something – anything – that is fun and feels good so that you are not thinking about the thing you don’t want (the pain in your body, etc.) So the trick is to be able to truly distract yourself by focusing more on something that you enjoy and letting the displeasurable thing exist, but letting it go from your immediate reality, or letting it be just off in the distance somewhere else if it wants to exist somewhere, but not in your current focus.
Give it a try, and you can be like Alice, without needing to eat or drink anything.