Advice,  Being Human,  Manifestation

Don’t Think Your Way Into a Solution

If there is something you need to resolve, or figure out, or a decision to be made that you are having trouble with, thinking on it is not generally the most effective way to reach a conclusion. Better to go do something else, and then from time to time, only if it feels good and free and easy to do so, feel into your heart about it. Put out into the Universe that you would like a resolution. But, don’t spend too much time on it.

Then, go and continue again to do other things, and give it a bit of time, a few days or longer. With this practice, an intuitive knowing will come to you, or a new idea will appear that you did not originally think of in your “thinking” stage of trying to figure it out, or you will know better how you feel deep inside your heart (vs. your mind), or you will happen upon an opening into the answer or a new space from which to view it. Something will shift.

The answers that are more in line with what’s best for us will come from that which connects to the heart and gut which is Universal knowledge, not the logical “mind” which is more connected to the material, societal world’s energy field. It’s in a deeper knowing, where sometimes we don’t even have a reason why, that we find the best answers for our journey.

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