What It Takes to Be Original
I saw an ad for a course today whose title was, “How to Be Yourself.” I felt like it’s crazy we have to have a course on how to be ourselves, but at the same time it makes perfect sense. We live in a society that is full of conditioning and marketing ideals and standards. If you are “different,” it can seem like you are the runt of the bunch. It simply is not so.
Diversity is the most amazing part of this place we live in. I can’t tell you how much of my life I spent wishing parts of my body looked just a little bit different, or a lot different. And now I realize just how incredible my whole body actually is. This concept of “ugly” just doesn’t even make sense from a spiritual perspective. It’s only from a very basic, survival standpoint, deeply entrenched in the material world that this concept is relevant.
If you are here, you are magnificent, period the end. And it’s very difficult to claw one’s way out of the noise and smog of the material world to truly see that and then to just be who you really are, and not try to be what you think you should be or want to be based on conditioning or external messaging.
You are who you are, a complete, never seen before, unique, full-on original, by following your deepest inner intuition about everything, which leads you to what you really want and love and enjoy, as minimally influenced by the coercive aspects of the outside as possible.
You are amazing, but the real you is pure magic. Is non-duplicatable. Is a one-of-a-kind, original. A masterpiece.