Being Human,  Energy

Taxes Feel So Unspiritual

I find it interesting that the U.S. government makes something like filing your own tax returns a requirement and also, at the same time, makes it incredibly difficult, confusing, and blurry. I have a master’s degree and I also hire a licensed expert to do my taxes, yet year after year the professionals I hire or consult with all seem to have a different take on the same tax laws, all seem to make errors, and I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to make sure I’m following the law, while not being taken advantage of (I don’t particularly agree with where a lot of the money goes and how a lot of the officials are elected). One reason for this is that tax law is subject to interpretation, and there are all sorts of variables and ways of setting up your business and your life that then completely change the way you can interpret tax law.

For instance, as someone who lives outside of the United States for the majority of the year, I apparently am entitled to a foreign earned income exclusion of earned income. However, I spoke with – and I’m not exaggerating – at least fourteen different expat tax experts, many of whom had differing opinions on my situation, and all of whom did not bring up that little tax rule, that you cannot contribute to a Roth IRA if you have taken the exclusion. And as for the complexities of the United States tax law, why is it that they can’t even clearly define foreign earned income. Trust me, it’s not completely clear.

Like so many systems in America, taxes is one where I find myself feeling intense compassion for people with less time, education, and resources than I. Year after year, I find myself stressed and doing tons of research, and I still am nervous that I’m depositing the incorrect amount into my retirement accounts (as a business owner, the amount I can contribute from my business is dependent on certain factors). Had all of this not been so complicated, I certainly would have understood about contributing to retirement accounts much earlier.

It’s similar to my education on the stock market and investments. It has taken a lot of time researching, taking classes, and educating myself, and I still often feel confused. The discrepancy between those who have easier access to this knowledge and resources and those that don’t is real. It takes a lot more effort for someone with no guide to find a way.

Whenever I am traversing these types of material world fields, I find myself in intense frustration. I feel pulled away from the peaceful aspects of the world and I feel like it’s an administrative task, forced on me, that I can’t escape, due to being born. The chains of having to figure it all out, follow the “rules,” and deal with it for survival.

Yet, I know it’s not real. It’s this crazy paradox, where seriously taxes and money and all of that are not real, they are material world constructs used for control and to mitigate fear, a survival mechanism created by a world that has made it difficult to survive, when survival should be so much easier. Love should be what we live on.

It doesn’t help that I find myself having to depend on other humans for help when, even as experts, they are always swimming their way through all the laws and requirements and variables too. They make mistakes and miss things. Every year they send me my tax returns for me to review and I think to myself, “I am reviewing something I have no expertise to review.” It’s like asking a child to check a university term paper written in another language. I want to make it easy for myself. To understand it and have a system that just flows like clockwork. But what if I can’t? The likelihood is that it’s not possible, and also, why should I have to? This is not my field of expertise. It’s a crazy amount of time I’m spending trying to gain knowledge in fields that aren’t my area of interest or expertise, and that I’ve hired someone, an expert, to do for me. It makes no sense.

I have to find a way to maintain my connection with true reality, the energetic fields of all is well and all is possible and none of this is what’s actually real. When I do that, it all becomes easier. It all becomes part of the crazy madness that has been created in this world to try to deal with the fact that reality is not understood and fear and control has created all these crazy systems. Then I can breathe and trust, because I am connected with another field, one that is a completely different frequency and runs on an alternate set of rules. It’s not easy though.

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