You must allow your children to be free, because the entire Universe is set up to accommodate that. And anything you do to the contrary will only bring you regret. You cannot contain those that cannot be contained. It defies Law.
Abraham-Hicks, excerpted from Atlanta, GA on 9/19/99
Freedom is the core tenant from which I believe my life’s intent is based on. There are so many things I don’t know or understand about myself and my life, it’s purpose, the point, what the heck I’m doing! But, I do know that I have always, always wanted to feel free. It is something that is the key driver for me.
Freedom from the tyrannical societal norms that haunt humans like huge dark cloud storms driven in from the winds, that lurk overhead, darkening our creative spark, our ingenuity, our clarity, our shine. That’s part of why I changed my name. I’m still Carly. I love Carly! But, there’s a part of me that’s also Opal. You see, we are whatever we feel we are. And if we don’t give ourselves the allowance to explore those deepest longings within, then they’re sequestered in some dank dark basement corner of our being, of our soul.
They definitely don’t disappear.
This is why I don’t understand control. Even if someone were to wrestle out something from another, it isn’t real. You can inspire, by evoking the cosmos’ wisdom and the right energies that just so happen to break open the newness in another, causing an iteration, but that cannot be done with force or coercion, or, dare I say, even specific intent, if that intent is laced with control.
Pure intent is love. And love is freedom.
In my life, I want love. I want freedom. The fountain of knowingness from inside of me that I am who I truly am. This trickle of pure “being-ness” has absolutely nothing to do with what anyone else wants. There may be themes playing themselves out here on Earth, where we may overlap or play with each other, and there may be cooperative relationships, like where we enter the world born into a family that raises us, but the actual emanation of a spirit, a soul, is wholly unique and individual, no matter what external forces attempt to push it.
And whether or not the soul, in human form, knows it, it is free, because it is love.